Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Senior English Elective"

Senior English Elective

I must say, initially signing up for my senior English class, I didn't not envision myself chopping trees down in the woods everyday. English has always been a subject I do not enjoy or do not look forward to. Although, this class has changed my perception of the department entirely. Even though it isn't a tradition English course, it is my ideal class. After reading Last Child In The Woods, this summer for environmental club, I am even more aware of the lack of time spent in the outdoors by all people, especially youth. I am happiest when I am outside and being active, so I am very glad I get to experience this with 15 other kids for almost an hour a day. From an environmental aspect, the class incorporates so many interesting and necessary topics for the future. I am so happy we have a very holistic, innovative approach to the class because I completely believe that we will be better off in the future having a foundation about a wide variety of topics that we will be facing in our lifetime. This year, English has easily switched from one of my least favorite classes, to one favorites. All thanks to Thoreau (and Jay.)

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