Sunday, December 16, 2012

Journal Entry

"It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see."
    -Henry David Thoreau

Dear Thoreau,

        Wow! How were you granted with such great strength?! The log was massive, weighing around 400 pounds (a class estimation).

        There the lonely log stood, with power to remain on the ground.  Its bark had pitch stuck in the middle of each aged crack.  The pointy branches stuck out like crooked fingers, with comparison to someone picking up an aged object with a firm yet free grip.

     There was a sense of necessity for shelter.  Through the beam of chills that filled my face as I was trying to find a grip on the yellow mustard rope.  I was not used to being out in nature, this was a change for me.  I was always sheltered with walls and wooden floors when  I entered  through the stone door into the Pingree entrance.

   Out in the woods, I felt an environment full of freedom and experiment.  Even though I was chilly, and the fog came out of my breath when I opened my mouth, it was worth a try to allow the log some warmth on its bare skin.

                                                                                              A friend of nature, Adrineh


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