Sunday, December 16, 2012

A journal entry:

Today, we carried the second part of the tree out of the woods. It weighed probably around
800 pounds, twice the weight of the first part that we carried out. With fourteen of us, it still
felt impossible to lift. We soon realized that the back was heavier and harder to carry than the front of the log, so we tried out different strategies to make it easier on ourselves. For a little while, we picked it up and carried it for probably about fifteen feet, and then took a break. But that did not work very well. We were all tired, and we all thought that our fingers were going to fall off. After a little while, we figured out that if we rotate positions, moving the log would get easier. Also, subbing in and out for the tired people worked well too. One of the most important parts of carrying this tree out of the forest has been the building of teamwork. As a class, I 
think that we are learning more and more about each other, our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as a whole, and how we can work as one functioning ‘machine’ to get things done efficiently. One of the great things about our class, I feel, is that we work together easily, and understand one another. We are humorous, fun, determined, and excited, and I love that. But I also feel like when you feel like your fingers and arms are going to give in, our class is really encouraging.  Everyone has to be willing and encouraging in order to keep a positive attitude. And as we all know, hard work is not nearly as hard when you are working with a group of people that has an uplifting spirit. Not only are we learning a lot about how to build a house, but we are also learning about each other which is a really valuable part of class dynamic, which is often lost in the classroom setting.

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