Sunday, December 16, 2012

Humility and Modesty Journal Entry

"At the hewing site, we work together in a way that fosters success through trial and error.  If we fail to draw a straight line using chalk, we accept the failure. Instead of being discouraged by failure, however, we are motivated to perfect the line.  We use intuitive, collaborative thinking to work around minor challenges.  Our class is filled with people who are willing to learn from their mistakes, whether it is adjusting a grip around a broad ax or conducting precise measurements.  Through inquiry and the desire to learn, humility forms.  Through humility, we quietly listen to our teacher, an educator who enjoys hewing in his free time. Mr. Esty’s experiences can help us better understand Thoreau’s connection to nature as we seek to create our own experiences.  We obediently listen to instructions and follow Mr. Esty’s lead.  Through humility and modesty, we have acquired basic skills that enable us to work in a manner than welcomes failure and encourages unconventional thinking, which also enhances our creativity."

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