Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Site

Windy(in need for my ear muffs)

          I never realized how much I missed the outdoors.  Who would know that one could learn so much from chopping wood?  As a  class I enjoy learning how to use measuring chalk to make marks on the log, chopping at wood with an axe and spending time listening to my peers tell stories.  I love the environment that I was granted to be placed in for the second semester of my senior elective at Pingree!

         I am still stumped on how Thoreau could build his masterpiece all by himself with no guide nor companion's by his side to engage him with truthful stories.  In my mind as I work on this project I am hopeful and faithful that the work can be done.  However, the time for the finish of this masterpiece is what tends to be hard to tell on when exactly the house will be overlooking the pond! (fingers crossed)  As long as the job gets done, I have realized that time is limitless and each day we go outside as a class, a positive change of improvement is led to success on the project.

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