Tuesday, October 30, 2012



^On the scorecard you can check out a bunch of well-known things from food services to electronics

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Corporate CEO's taking advantage of position

This is the opposite of productive. David Siegel is one of several different CEO's who told the employees in their company through email that if Obama were to be elected, that their would be major reform in the company. Reform in the sense that he would make decisions that would cripple the company in a way to preserve his own net profit. He would fire many people, cut benefits and lower salaries just to make sure he's earning as much as possible. I have never seen such a selfish act in my life, especially at this level. What exactly does the phrase "be a professional" mean anymore?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bad News: Sea Level Rising


     The sea level is rising faster in Northeast than it is anywhere else in the country and rates far above average! If it continues, "Boston will see 27 inches of sea-level rise by 2050." Scientists have not reached a consensus on why this is happening, but it is most likely due to glacial meltwater and circulation of warmer currents, all due to greenhouse gases. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012





Tourists Can't Find Walden Pond


This is article is actually pretty interesting. It describes how many families have been led to a Lynn Reservoir by their GPS under the impression that they are at Walden Pond. This is another example of how technology isn't always a good thing, especially since some people knew that Walden Pond was in Concord but followed their GPS anyways.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bill McKibben's got some pretty cool friends...  We'll be at the Do The Math event in Boston on November 15.  (see http://math.350.org/)  The song and event relate to Bill's July 19 Rolling Stone article, "Global Warming's Terrifying New Math."  (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/global-warmings-terrifying-new-math-20120719)


Visit this link and watch the video. It is amazing that one fish can be worth over a half a million dollars. Looking at the bigger picture, this is a growing problem because of how valuable these tuna are. Poachers around the world are taking thousands of these fish illegally to get their piece of the BLUE GOLD.